Lucky Star
No information available at the moment.
No information available at the moment.
Father: RAX
2nd National ACE KBDB GMD YL 2017
won in 2017:
Bourges II 470km National 10e / 12.449d
Chateauroux II 516km Provincial 11e / 2.311p
Chatearoux III 516km National 11e / 4.389p
Argenton II 544km Provincial 21e / 1.904p
Superbreeder and father to:
2e National ACE KBDB ALLROUND 2020
2e World Best Pigeon BE LD
1e Olympiad pigeon Cat. I (2019-2020)
3e Olympiad Pigeon Cat. H (2019-2020)
14e National ACE KBDB GMD YL 2020
15e National ACE KBDB GMD OLD 2020
Mother: Super Lucky
Mother to 4 different hens that bred each minimum 1 top 100 national winner!
Grandmother to RAX:
2nd National ACE KBDB GMD YL 2017
won in 2017:
Bourges II 470km
- Local 1e / 157p
- Provincial 1e / 1.964p
- National 10e / 12.449d
Chateauroux II 516km
- Local 3e / 208p
- Provincial 11e / 2.311p
Chatearoux III 516km
- Local 1e / 68p
- Provincial 4e / 831p
- National 11e / 4.389p
Argenton II 544km
- Local 3e / 114p
- Provincial 21e / 1.904p